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Cotes bibliographiques
Découvrez les plus récentes publications de nos chercheurs en Sciences et technologies sur
Nouveaux articles de nos chercheurs
Optimal charging scheduling for Indoor Autonomous Vehicles in manufacturing operations
Mohammadpour, M. ; Allani, B. ; Kelouwani, S. ; Amamou, A. ; Bahmanabadi, H.
Advanced Engineering Informatics (October 2024)
Remaining useful life prognostic-based energy management strategy for multi-fuel cell stack systems in automotive applications
Bankati, W.R. ; Boulon, L. ; Jemei, S.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (September 2024)
Constrained exploration method for optimal energy management in hybrid multi-stack fuel cell vehicles
Yamchi, H.B. ; Kandidayeni, M. ; Kelouwani, S. ; Boulon, L.
Energy Conversion and Management (September 2024)
The Low-Cost Transition Towards Smart Grids in Low-Income Countries: The Case Study of Togo
Barate, M. ; Palanga, E.T.G. ; Ajavon, A.S.A. ; Agbossou, K.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (August 2024)
A Novel and Compact Metamaterial-Based Four-Element MIMO Antenna System for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Applications with Enhanced Isolation
Din, I.U. ; Abbasi, N.A. ; Ullah, W. ; Ouameur, M.A. ; Jayakody, D.N.K.
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (July 2024)
A tree-based approach for visible and thermal sensor fusion in winter autonomous driving
Boisclair, J. ; Amamou, A. ; Kelouwani, S. ; Zeghmi, L. ; Agbossou, K.
Machine Vision and Applications (july 2024)
Health-Wise Energy Management Strategies in Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Tools to optimize performance and reduce operational costs
Kandidayeni, M. ; Trovao, J. P. F. ; Boulon, L. ; Kelouwani, S.
IEEE Electrification Magazine (June 2024)
Unlocking shore power in St. Lawrence and Great Lakes for cargo ships
Daniel, H. ; Trovão, J.P.F. ; Williams, D. ; Boulon, L.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (June 2024)
Synthetic dataset generation of energy consumption for residential apartment building in cold weather considering the building's aging
Ramirez, J.P.D. ; Nagarsheth, S.H., ; Ramirez, C.E.D. ; Henao, N. ; Agbossou, K.
Data in Brief (June 2024)
Analysis of the building occupancy estimation and prediction process: A systematic review
Caballero-Peña, J. ; Osma-Pinto, G. ; Rey, J.M. ; Henao, N. ; Agbossou, K.
Energy and Buildings (June 2024)
Power converters analyzed in energy storage systems to enhance the performance of the smart grid application
Rahman, M.J. ; Tafticht, T. ; Doumbia, M.L.
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (June 2024)
Deep reinforcement learning based dynamic pricing for demand response considering market and supply constraints
Fraija, A. ; Henao, N. ; Agbossou, K., (...) ; Fournier, M. ; Nagarsheth, S.H.
Smart Energy (May 2024)
Articles de revues >>
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